We Need Your Help!

Gregory A. Buford, MD, FACS, PCEO

We recently held a BEAUTY by BUFORD Patient Focus Group and received a tremendous amount of very good feedback on what we are doing well and how we can make your experience even better.  One of the suggestions made was to construct a patient loyalty program to ensure that our valued clients (all of you!) feel just that…valued!

As many of you, in the past we have individually rewarded clients like you for referrals of friends and family but we have never set anything up officially.  Now is the time and we are looking for your input.

Please help us design a VIP program that will recognize your continued loyalty as well as your referrals and let us know what it is that will make this program special.  One thought is to structure this program so that you are rewarded for receiving BOTOX, Juvederm, Belotero, Radiesse or other injectable on a frequent basis and receive an incentive after a certain number of treatments.  We also want to recognize your referral of friends and family for the same as well as surgical procedures.

So…put your thinking cap on and send us your thoughts.  We are looking for creative ideas and will reward you for your feedback.    5 people who send the best suggestions will receive a complimentary treatment of BOTOX Cosmetic (20 units) or a syringe of Belotero (great new wrinkle remover).  The promotion will be launched today and will run throughout the month of July.  All suggestions should be emailed to me directly at drbuford@beautybybuford.com.

Customer service is a top priority for us at the Denver Plastic Surgery office of BEAUTY by BUFORD.  Please help us take it to the next level!  We look forward to hearing from you.