How can I increase upper pole projection of my breasts?

Natrelle Breast ImplantsAs a Denver Plastic Surgeon who specializes predominantly in breast enhancement, one of the most common questions I am asked is how to increase upper pole fullness. And while many of my patients don’t directly ask about this, they often to refer to loss of volume to the top of their breasts or a desire for an increase in cleavage. And when they do, they are generally referring to their upper pole.

Some of these patients never had volume to the upper pole while others lost it as a result of the aging process or pregnancy. A youthful breast is volumetric in that it is filled out in both the bottom pole as well as the top pole. As you lose upper pole volume (regardless of the cause), your breasts simply appear less youthful.

In the past, options for expanding upper pole volume were limited to a certain degree by the type of implants available to us. To get around this, many Plastic Surgeons simply placed much larger implants in the hope that by distributing a larger amount of volume globally across the breast that the upper pole would expand by default. And while in many cases this was effective, it often was so at the cost of a much larger cup size than our patients really desired. That is until the introduction of a completely new implant from Allergan called INSPIRA.

INSPIRA implants provide a higher fill ratio and thus a more sculpted implant. This increased fill allows for more focused shaping of the breast itself as compared to standard Natrelle implants while potentially avoiding the need for use of an actual textured shaped implant such as the 410 (or “Gummy Bear” implant). INSPIRA implants are round and so also avoid any risk for rotation (as can been seen with the 410’s), demonstrate more upper pole projection (than the standard Natrelle implants), but also share the soft and pliable feel of a Natrelle silicone gel breast implant.

“I originally had breast augmentation surgery with saline implants in 1998. Over time my implants began to leak and the upper part of my breasts flattened out. Dr. Buford recommended the INSPIRA implants to help create the results that I was looking for. I now have complete fullness throughout my breasts and they look more natural and appropriate for my frame than they did before! They feel softer and I am delighted that I went with silicone implants rather than saline. The shape of the INSPIRA implants have created a more natural curve under my breasts. I could not be happier with my INSPIRA implants and my results! Thank you to Dr. Buford and his wonderful staff for the suggestion!”  
-Actual Patient


In June of 2015, we were chosen as one of the first Plastic Surgery practices in Colorado to trial these implants. From these first few patients, we were able to experience firsthand exactly how these implants work in not only a primary (1st time) augmentation patient but also in a few patients who previously had undergone augmentation with standard saline or gel implants. The results? Every single one of these initial patients were impressed with the upper pole fullness and every single one said that they would choose these implants again.

Since then, we have quickly become the top user of INSPIRA silicone gel breast implants in the state of Colorado and continue to receive very positive feedback from our patients.

Slide4We would love to show you the benefits of this exciting new option for breast augmentation and look forward to working with you. To schedule your consultation, please CLICK HERE or email us directly at





Slide5We are proud to be a leading center for both primary as well as secondary breast augmentation and continue to look for ways to not only improve upon the products we offer you but also the procedures themselves. Thank you again for your continued support.