Restore Your Confidence

Gravity, the scientific principle that keeps us grounded, often results in unwanted effects on other parts of our bodies. Weight loss, pregnancy, intense aerobic activity, and genetics can make once-perky breasts sag and lose their shape, leaving you feeling self-conscious with a tendency to cover up. Breast lift surgery (mastopexy) can provide a youthful, shapely contour to the breast and restore your confidence by:

  • Reducing the size of your areola
  • Repositioning your nipples
  • Reshaping your breasts
  • Replacing lost volume when performed in combination with a breast augmentation
  • Adjusting any difference in size between your two breasts
  • Nipple reduction


Do I Need a Breast Lift in Denver?

One of the most commonly asked questions is, “Do I need a breast lift?” Many patients pursue other procedures, such as breast augmentation, when their concerns may be better addressed with a breast lift or combination breast lift with augmentation. During your consultation at BEAUTY by BUFORD in Lone Tree, board certified plastic surgeon Gregory A. Buford, MD, FACS, PCEO will consider several factors to help determine which procedure will give you results you love. These factors include:

  • Where is your nipple relative to the inframammary fold?
  • How loose is your breast skin?
  • Is there excess skin? If so, how much?
  • What is the size and position of your areola?


Breast Self-Assessment

Before you meet with Dr. Buford for your consultation, consider filling out our breast self-assessment. By sharing how you see yourself, we can best evaluate your aesthetic goals and determine an appropriate treatment plan for you.

Download the breast self-assessment form

What Causes Breast Sagging?

There are several factors that can lead to sagging breasts, including significant weight loss, pregnancy and breastfeeding, and heredity. The changes the skin goes through as we grow older, natural shape and size of breasts, and certain lifestyle choices can significantly contribute to sagging breasts.

When your breasts droop, several things can happen. First, your nipple generally falls to a lower position. Your areola might get larger, typically as a result of pregnancy-related changes.

The biggest culprit when it comes to the drooping of your breasts is the stretching of supportive structures within your breasts, known as Cooper’s Ligaments. When these lengthen and weaken, the internal framework of the breast is compromised and the breast itself elongates, droops, and converts to an oval shape. In addition, many women notice the increasing asymmetry of their breasts which becomes more noticeable as they droop.


Types of Breast Lift Procedures

To lift your breasts, four basic type of procedures can be performed:

Crescent Lift

The crescent lift technique corrects minimal sagging and leaves minimal scarring. A good solution for women who have a very minor amount of sagging to correct, the crescent lift involves a small incision running halfway around the edge of the upper half of the areola, in the shape of a crescent. This technique is typically used when a patient is also having a breast augmentation.


Peri-Areolar Lift

Also known as the "Benneli Lift," this lift effectively reduces areolar diameter and lifts the breast using two circular incisions, which are then brought together.

The advantage to this approach is that you are left with only an incision around your areola, but the disadvantage is that if too aggressive of a skin reduction is attempted, the areola can be stretched to a greater size over time, creating a suboptimal appearance.


Vertical Lift

Also known as the "lollipop lift," the vertical lift is a popular option because it gives surgeons plenty of room to remove excess skin and reshape the entire breast, and leaves easily hidden scars. A proven technique for correcting moderate sagging, the vertical lift involves one incision around the end of the areola and one running vertically from the areola to the inframammary fold (creating the "lollipop" shape).


Anchor Lift

For women who require dramatic reshaping for extensive breast sagging, the anchor lift, also known as the inverted T lift, is often the best option.

With three incisions made around the edge of the areola, vertically from the bottom of the areola, and along the inframammary fold, the anchor lift allows your surgeon to remove a large amount of excess skin and tissue to create a youthful contour and pleasing shape. This technique is also frequently used if you are having a breast reduction in conjunction with your breast lift.

After your procedure, you may experience a moderate amount of discomfort that can be successfully managed with pain medication. Expect downtime to last for a few days following surgery, with normal activity resuming in around one to two weeks.

Dr. Buford can help restore a perky yet natural size and shape to your breasts, which will complement your figure and give you a result that you will be pleased with for years to come.

Recovering From Breast Lift Surgery

Recovery from breast lift surgery is a critical phase where the body heals and adjusts to the changes made during the procedure. Understanding what to expect during this period can help you prepare and ensure a smooth and comfortable recovery. Here's an overview of the recovery process, including tips for care and what signs to watch for post-surgery.

Immediate Post-Surgery

  • Right After Surgery: Initially, you’ll be in a recovery area where medical staff monitor your vital signs as you wake up from anesthesia. You may feel groggy and sore. It's common to have dressings or bandages applied to your incisions, and you may be fitted with a surgical bra or elastic bandage to minimize swelling and support the breasts as they heal.
  • First Few Days: Swelling, bruising, and discomfort are typical in the first few days after surgery. Your surgeon will prescribe medication to manage pain and antibiotics to prevent infection. It's important to rest and avoid any strenuous activities or lifting. Keeping your upper body elevated, even when sleeping, can help reduce swelling.

The First Few Weeks

  • Activity Restrictions: Avoid strenuous activities, heavy lifting, and overhead movements for at least 4-6 weeks. Gentle walks can help circulation and aid in the healing process, but it's crucial to listen to your body and not overdo it.
  • Wearing a Support Bra: You'll likely need to wear a special support bra 24 hours a day for the first few weeks. This bra helps support your breasts and keeps swelling in check. Follow your surgeon's advice on when it's safe to switch back to regular bras.
  • Managing Scars: Incision care is vital. Keep the area clean and follow your surgeon's instructions for applying any topical treatments or scar minimization techniques. Scars typically fade over time but may take up to a year to mature fully.

Long-term Care and Follow-up

  • Follow-up Appointments: Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments so Dr. Buford can monitor your healing progress. These visits are crucial for catching any potential complications early.
  • Physical Changes and Healing: It may take several months for the swelling to fully subside and for the breasts to settle into their new shape. Be patient with your body as it adjusts and heals.
  • Lifestyle Adjustments for Lasting Results: Maintaining a stable weight and healthy lifestyle can help preserve the results of your surgery. Significant weight fluctuations can affect breast appearance.

Signs to Watch For

  • Infection Signs: Watch for signs of infection, such as increased redness, swelling, warmth, or unusual discharge from the incisions, and a fever. If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your surgeon immediately.
  • Unusual Pain or Swelling: While some discomfort is normal, severe or increasing pain, especially on one side, could indicate a complication such as a hematoma (a collection of blood outside the blood vessels) and should be evaluated by your surgeon.

Breast Lift FAQs

Looking to Get a Breast Lift in Denver?

Lone Tree plastic surgeon Dr. Buford can answer your questions about breast lift surgery and other options available at our Denver, Colorado practice. Please contact us online or call our Lone Tree plastic surgery practice to schedule your consultation.