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- Va Jay-Jay, Hoo-ha, Honey Pot: whatever you’d like to call it, how much do you know about your vagina?
- The female anatomy has held a fair share of mystery and mystique through the ages—and this has led to hilarious, peculiar, or downright baffling misconceptions. The "Girlfriend's Guide to the Vagina" helps clear some things up.
- It's time to demystify the vagina—and the "Girlfriend's Guide to the Vagina" is doing just that, one fact, debunked myth, and sex tip at a time.
- Do you know what's up "down there?" Yes, we're talking vagina—and the "Girlfriend's Guide to the Vagina" is your one-stop-shop to open, honest information about the Notorious V.A.G.
- Did you know...? Ancient physicians thought the womb would wander around the body, making women hysterical, horny, and up to no good. Learn more crazy historical facts about the vagina in the "Girlfriend's Guide to the Vagina."
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Press Release
Denver Physician Publishes “Girlfriend’s Guide to the Vagina” to Promote Women’s Health & Education
Gregory A. Buford, MD, FACS, PCEO has developed and released an e-book focused on women’s sexual & vaginal health
Denver, CO, Sept. 16, 2016—It’s not the easiest thing to talk about, which is why board certified plastic surgeon Gregory A. Buford, MD, FACS, PCEO dedicated an entire book to it: the vagina.
“The vagina and female genitals are an incredibly important part of the body, but both women and men still struggle with having frank, open discussions about it—even with their physicians,” Dr. Buford states. “When you begin talking about the functions of the vagina, things tend to get even more uncomfortable for people. We want to help change that by giving both women and men a candid look at this often taboo subject.” Thus, the Girlfriend’s Guide to the Vagina was born.
What you’ll find in the Girlfriend’s Guide to the Vagina
The Girlfriend’s Guide to the Vagina is an e-book filled with fun graphics, insight from experienced physicians, and advice from experts in sexual health. It’s conversational, lighthearted, and empowering—but, most of all, it includes medically accurate and modern understandings of the female body and how it works.
“I want to offer people an honest, conversational, and medically sound resource for learning about women’s health, anatomy, and sexuality,” emphasizes Dr. Buford. “We consulted with experts in women’s health, such as sexologist Dr. Jess O’Reilly and OBGYN Dr. Susan Murrmann, to put together the ultimate guide.”
The Guide is an educational read for teens all the way to centenarians, and it covers topics in a friendly, sometimes humorous, and always frank way. It explores:
- Anatomy of the vulva, vagina, and reproductive organs.
- Historical misunderstandings about the vagina, birth control, and menstruation.
- How the vagina changes over a lifetime.
- Why and how menstruation occurs—and what is and isn’t normal to experience.
- What to expect during pregnancy and childbirth, including how it impacts the vagina and vulva.
- Medical and cosmetic treatment options that are available to help with laxity, dryness, urinary stress incontinence, etc.
- The benefits of a healthy sex life, explanation of why it feels good, tips for orgasming, and how masturbation can improve your health.
“The Guide was a labor of love, and we are all proud of the result,” Dr. Buford exclaims. “Our biggest hope is that it becomes a well-loved resource for women wanting to know more about their bodies.”
About Dr. Buford: One of Denver's top plastic surgeons, Gregory Buford, MD, FACS, is the founder and medical director of BEAUTY by BUFORD. The Official Plastic Surgeon to the Miss Colorado Pageant, he was named one of "America's Top Surgeons" and is a nationally recognized trainer and consultant for many non-surgical products and techniques. He can be reached at 303-951-5829 or on his website. Dr. Buford is available for interview upon request.
Media Contact: Gregory A. Buford, MD, FACS, PCEO, BEAUTY by BUFORD, 303-951-5829,