Think about the next question before you undergo anything elective. Ask yourself, how attentive to detail are you and what type of outcome are you really looking for? While this question is very basic, the answer may not be.
I am writing this at 30,000 feet on my return flight from Paris. I just had the pleasure of taking an extended weekend in the City of Lights and learned a lot about the Parisian culture as well as myself. One thing that I kept noticing during my brief stay was what appeared to be a code of excellence and adherence to detail that every Parisian seemingly adhered to.
As a self-confessed foodie, one of my first efforts in entering this amazing city was to consume my body weight in pastries. The first morning, we began our quest for everything Parisian at Fouchon, a local patisserie. Our purchase consisted solely of pan et chocolate and bottled water. We purchased these with the goal of nibbling them as we edged our way down towards the Louvre. And though this was a simple purchase, the pastries were elegantly wrapped in soft tissue and enclosed in a box surrounded by a brightly colored bow. Each box was then placed alongside a bottle of water and handed gingerly to us by a pleasantly smiling young woman.
And what amazed me was the effort taken to so glamorously prepare and present these very simple objects to us. It was this attention to detail that permeated virtually every encounter thereafter.
I pride myself on the same attention to detail in my own practice and encourage you, the consumer, to demand this same level of care with any procedure. It is far easier to achieve a good result the first time around than to try and fix a botched result after the fact.
I hope you find this helpful and look forward to working with you. For any questions related to Plastic Surgery, please feel free to contact a member of my amazing team or me by either calling or emailing us directly.
We look forward to hearing from you!