Shape & Sculpt Your Buttocks

At BEAUTY By BUFORD, Denver plastic surgeon Gregory A. Buford, MD, FACS, PCEO, can give you a buttock lift surgery to reshape your buttocks and hips to give you a look you’ll love. The buttocks are some of the most prominent features of our body and have gotten much attention with recent advancements in surgical technology and techniques.

What Is a Buttock Lift?

A buttock lift is a surgical procedure that involves removing excess skin and fat from the buttocks to lift and reshape them. At BEAUTY By BUFORD, you can have a buttock lift alone or in combination with other procedures such as liposuction, thigh lift, or tummy tuck.

A buttock lift aims to give your behind a more toned and contoured appearance to improve the overall balance and proportion of the body.

Denver butt lift

How Does a Buttock Lift Work?

During a buttock lift, Dr. Buford will make an incision in the buttock crease to minimize the appearance of any scar. The surgeon will then remove excess skin and fat from the buttocks, reshape the remaining tissue, and lift the buttocks to a more perky position.

The incision will be closed with sutures, and you'll wear a compression garment to support the area during the healing process.

The procedure typically takes two to three hours and is performed under general anesthesia. You should arrange for a responsible adult to drive you home and stay with you for 24 hours after the procedure.


Recovering From a Buttock Lift

After a buttock lift, you should expect some swelling, bruising, discomfort, and pain. We'll prescribe pain medication to help manage any discomfort. You should avoid sitting or lying on your back for the first two weeks after the procedure to ensure proper healing.

Most patients can return to work and light activities within two to three weeks after the procedure. Strenuous exercise and other activities that put pressure on the buttocks should be avoided for six to eight weeks after the procedure to ensure proper healing.


Potential Risks & Complications

As with any surgical procedure, a buttock lift has potential risks and complications. These can include bleeding, infection, scarring, and changes in sensation.

It's important to discuss these risks with Dr. Buford and follow all pre-and post-operative instructions to minimize the risk of complications.

Is a Buttock Lift Right for You?

Candidates for a buttock lift should be in good overall health, have excess skin and fat on the buttocks, and maintain realistic expectations. You should also be at your ideal weight before having a buttock lift, as weight fluctuations can affect your results.

It's important to note that a buttock lift is not a weight-loss procedure and is not a substitute for a healthy diet and regular exercise. You should maintain a healthy lifestyle after the procedure to ensure long-lasting results.


Why Choose Dr. Buford for Your Buttock Lift

At BEAUTY By BUFORD, we understand that you have unique aesthetic goals and concerns. Dr. Buford offers personalized consultations and customized treatment plans to help you get the results you want to see.

Our expert and board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Buford, has years of experience performing buttock lifts and other cosmetic procedures. He’s committed to providing safe, effective treatments in a comfortable, discreet office atmosphere.

If you're interested in a buttock lift, contact our Lone Tree office today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Buford. We look forward to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals.

Butt Lift FAQs

Schedule Your Buttock Lift Consultation

Interested in learning more about buttock lift surgery in Denver? Contact us today to schedule your personalized consultation with Lone Tree plastic surgeon Dr. Buford.

Our team of experienced and compassionate professionals is here to help you look and feel your best, and we'll work closely with you to ensure that your buttock lift procedure is a success.