Perk Up Your Pucker
Sure, sipping a fancy cocktail or coffee out of a straw may seem glamorous, and smiling is something no one should avoid, but life can take its toll on the skin around your lips and nose as you age. Loss of volume, smile lines, and vertical lip lines can leave your lower face looking deflated and aged. Luckily, there’s a solution: Perlane®. A transparent injectable gel made up of hyaluronic acid, Perlane delicately plumps your facial tissue to smooth wrinkles and folds of the lower face.
Face & Skin Self-Assessment
Before you meet with Dr. Buford for your consultation, consider filling out our face and skin self-assessment. By sharing how you see yourself, we can best evaluate your aesthetic goals and determine an appropriate treatment plan for you.
Click here to download the face & skin self-assessment form
What causes wrinkles around the nose and mouth?
A combination of the natural aging process and lifestyle habits can have a big impact on the quality of the skin in this area. Wrinkle-inducing behaviors include:
- Smoking. Puckering up and dragging on a cigarette causes your skin to crease around your lips. Over a period of time, those creases stick around even when your lips are at rest.
- Sipping on a straw. Just like with smoking, the movement of your lips when you drink through a straw contributes to wrinkling of the skin bordering the lips. Play the flute or wind instrument? You may also have a higher risk for lip wrinkles.
- Smiling. Smile lines play a major role in aging the lower half of your face. Smile lines and nasolabial creases are directly affected by smiling and laughing, though we don’t recommend changing those habits!
While being aware of these habits can help delay the appearance of pesky lines and wrinkles, genetics and age will still impact the appearance of your skin.
Instantly Beautiful Results
Gregory A. Buford, MD, FACS, PCEO performs all cosmetic injections himself, helping to ensure patient safety and excellent results. As a nationally recognized trainer and consultant for Perlane®, Dr. Buford has an intimate knowledge of how to intentionally and successfully place injections to provide beautiful, natural looking results.
Most patients are happy with their immediate results after just one treatment, but Dr. Buford will work closely with you to determine the best course of action for achieving optimal results. After an injection, you may experience slight swelling, redness, or discomfort that should resolve in under a week. Proven to deliver long-lasting results, Perlane can last up to six months after treatment.