“I Completely Disagree…”

In a recent article from online American Health and Beauty, the topic was reshaping of your breasts following pregnancy and breast feeding. And in this article, Plastic Surgeon Dr. Drew Ordon commented that “Many women have a good amount of breast tissue and they’re really not looking to go bigger” and that he effectively can perform a breast lift alone to restore optimal breast shape and volume. He goes on to suggest that the breast lift by itself moves the patient’s own breast tissue onto the “upper area of the breast.”

I respectfully disagree.

Most Plastic Surgeons, such as myself, recognize that a breast lift primarily addresses reshaping of the lower pole of the breast and achieves very little with respect to restoration of fullness to the upper pole. Because of this, a small implant to restore this lost volume is often added when performing a breast lift procedure in order to achieve a more uniform and more optimal reshaping of the breast as a whole. I personally feel that unless a woman has very glandular breasts (which many do not have) or has a cup size larger than a small C, that she will benefit from the addition of a small breast implant beneath the muscle to help restore upper pole fullness in conjunction with a breast lift. Without it, while the nipple position and lower pole may be optimal, the upper pole is left with the tell-tale involutional concavity reminiscent of the post-pregnancy breast.

I look forward to your comments. Please send them to us at lauren@beautybybuford.com.