Achieve Smoother, Firmer Skin With This Powerful Non-surgical Treatment

Are you frustrated by general signs of aging, and looking for a skin treatment that will tone and tighten throughout your face and neck? Vivace® is an FDA-cleared radiofrequency microneedling device that stimulates the natural production of collagen to dramatically improve signs of aging in the face. The treatment is virtually painless and requires minimal downtime—most patients are able to go out for dinner the day of their treatment!


How Vivace Rejuvenates Your Skin

Microneedling promotes more youthful skin by using tiny needles to create micro-injuries in the skin: as the body heals itself, more collagen and elastin develop in the area, restoring your skin’s strength, elasticity, and firmness. When paired with radiofrequency (RF) in the Vivace device, the needles also deliver heat to deeper layers of the skin, enhancing the process of collagen regeneration.


RF Microneedling + Topical Serums

To level-up your skin improvement, we incorporate topical lab-derived treatments, including growth factor serums, in your Vivace RF microneedling procedure. Since microneedling creates micro channels in the skin, applying these powerful topical serums with microneedling allows them to penetrate into the skin.

This effectively takes skin improvement to an entirely new level, strengthening the effects of microneedling by brightening your complexion and helping to improve imperfections like fine lines and wrinkles, sun spots (photoaging), and acne scars.

The benefits of RF Microneedling:

  • Improves overall appearance of skin tone & texture
  • Tightens the skin
  • Minimizes wrinkles and fine lines
  • Minimizes pore size
  • Minimizes the appearance of acne scars
  • Nearly pain-free treatment
  • Very little downtime required

before and after of a face with fewer wrinkles and smoother skin in "after" photo

How is Vivace different from traditional microneedling?

Vivace stands out above other microneedling devices because it targets both epidermal (top layer) resurfacing and deeper dermal layer remodeling. Because of the potency of this treatment, Vivace carries greater benefits than traditional microneedling: the results are more pronounced thanks to the addition of RF, and importantly, Vivace is safe for most skin tones including dark or tanned skin. And among other RF microneedling devices, Vivace has one of the highest “Worth It” ratings according to RealSelf.

What is Vivace treatment like?

Ahead of your treatment, we will give you instructions for how to prepare your skin and what products to avoid. If you are prone to cold sores, we may prescribe an anti-viral medication to prevent a possible breakout.

When you arrive for your treatment, we’ll first apply a numbing cream to your face to prevent any discomfort; it takes about 30-45 minutes for the numbing cream to take full effect. (Most patients say that, with the numbing cream, treatment is quite comfortable.)

Then, the Vivace device is applied to your skin, and its small robotic motor gently applies the needles, which emit RF heat into the dermis; this part of the treatment takes about 45 minutes. To finish, we’ll apply a specialized treatment serum and a cooling, plumping peptide mask to reduce redness and improve your results.

You’ll be sent home with a Vivace Experience kit, which includes a special serum and mask to use in the weeks after treatment to optimize your results.

Before and after Vivace for acne in the cheek area ; before image shows a breakout, and after image shows clear, smooth skin

What are the side effects of Vivace microneedling?

After treatment, you may have some redness, a small amount of bleeding or scabbing, and minor swelling. In general, side effects are usually manageable and clear up within a few days. Avoid direct sunlight, wear sunscreen, and wait 24 hours before going back to the gym. You should also avoid wearing makeup until the next day (wait 6 hours at the very least), as your skin will be highly sensitive. Still, most patients are ready to resume normal activities within a day or two.

How many Vivace microneedle treatments do I need?

Most patients see optimal results after 3-4 treatments. These treatments simply need to be spaced apart to give your skin time to heal and for cell turnover to occur, so plan to wait about 4-6 weeks between appointments. Your skin will continue to improve for up to six months after each procedure.

Visit BEAUTY by BUFORD for Vivace RF microneedling in Denver

The technique your provider uses for RF microneedling is paramount to achieving gorgeous results, so don’t settle for inexperienced providers! If you’re ready to invest in your skin, board certified plastic surgeon Gregory A. Buford, MD, FACS, PCEO and our expert aesthetic team are here to help. Call 303.747.6719 or contact us online to schedule your consultation today.

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