Want to Improve Your Surgical Results? Check out my Groundbreaking Approach to Healing!

883717_10151921513905861_392109913_oWhat you eat before and after surgery can have a significant impact on how you heal and the type of results you will actually get.  I was honored to be the Guest Speaker again today on Doctors of the USA Radio where we discussed a new approach that relies less on technology than on the basics of proper nutrition and supplementation.

Is it any surprise that our patients that are more nutritionally sound heal better after surgery?  Of course not.  Then why does most of the medical establishment completely ignore proper nutrition when it comes to your healing?  Unfortunately, this topic is given very little to no emphasis in medical school or residency and so most physicians enter private practice woefully untrained in this area.  It’s not that we’re trying to ignore nutrition; it’s just that we simply don’t know any better.

Click on the player below to listen to my interview and to learn how you can potentially improve your outcome simply by adjusting your lifestyle.

I hope you find this helpful and look forward to your insights!  Post your comments below or send them to me directly at drbuford@beautybybuford.com

Be well!