What Is a Breast Implant Revision or Removal?

Breast implants don’t last forever. Although the lifetime for most implants is typically between 10 and 20 years, there will come a time for every woman to change or remove her implants for one reason or another. It’s important to get comfortable with the idea of your implant revision or removal so you can be prepared for your next cosmetic procedure at BEAUTY by BUFORD. 

Breast Implant Revision vs. Breast Implant Removal

There are many reasons to get either an implant revision or removal, from wanting a different cup size to fixing a rupture. In fact, revisions and removals are very similar surgical processes at their cores – but their desired outcomes are completely different. 

Both are designed to provide patients with total confidence and satisfaction in their breast size and shape. Both require a similar procedure and recovery process. However, Dr. Buford conducts revisions to replace old implants with new ones, and as the name suggests, he performs removals to excise old implants without replacing them at all. 

Signs It’s Time for a Revision or Removal

As the years go by, aging implants may change form or shift within the chest pocket. These are not life-threatening conditions, but they can make life complicated, especially when you’re unhappy with the way your breasts look or feel. 

Choosing to get a revision for your breast augmentation is an important step towards looking and feeling better in your own skin. Here are a few reasons you should consider scheduling your own revision with BEAUTY by BUFORD.

You Want to Change Cup Sizes

One of the most common reasons women seek breast implant revisions or removals is because they’re no longer happy with the size or shape of their breasts following an augmentation. Breast implant revisions can provide either larger or smaller results, depending on the outcome you’re looking for, but removals almost always result in smaller breasts. 

Your Implants Are Uncomfortable

Breast implants should not cause pain or discomfort, so if your implants are hurting you, it’s time to speak to Dr. Buford. Implant pain could indicate several different issues, from displacement to pinched nerve endings or even ruptures. If you find that your implants are causing a noticeable disruption to your daily life, you should seek professional help. 

Your Implants Have Changed Position

As you age, you can expect your implants to settle into slightly different locations in the chest wall. This is a natural part of the process, but if you’re experiencing major dislocation, it might be time for a breast implant revision at BEAUTY by BUFORD. 

Typically, if your implants move, they move outward, which is called lateral displacement. Occasionally, however, your implants may shift toward the middle of the chest or shift in a new direction altogether, causing an unnatural shape or feel that causes anxiety for many patients in Lone Tree. 

You Are Experiencing a Breast Implant Rupture

Although breast implant ruptures are not common or life-threatening, it is essential to get them fixed as soon as possible. Ruptures may occur due to blunt force or aging of the implant, both of which could weaken the shell structure and result in leakage. 

According to the FDA’s current guidelines, we recommend that our patients get regular MRI scans to determine the health of their breast implant once every two years. Doing so will ensure that your implant remains intact no matter which type you have. If we detect a rupture, we can quickly schedule a revision to reduce the leak’s impact. 

The Procedure: What to Expect

If you’re looking to get a breast implant revision, you already understand the general procedure – after all, you’ve already had an augmentation. The surgeries are very similar, and you can expect to face a similar recovery process as well. 

Your first step is to book an appointment to discuss the changes you’d like to make with your surgeon. After determining whether you’re a good candidate for a revision, you’ll follow Dr. Buford’s specific instructions to prep for the procedure. Our team highly advises you avoid smoking or alcohol use several days or weeks prior to your surgery, as these activities could rule you out of the process altogether. 

You may expect a shorter recovery following your initial augmentation, but being prepared for the process is essential. Be sure to contact a family member or friend ahead of time to help with daily tasks for the first 48 hours post-op. We recommend taking off work for one or two weeks following the procedure to ensure proper healing time. You should also avoid physical activity for up to three weeks post-op to allow the stitches to heal and your implant to settle. 


If you’re considering a breast implant revision or removal, you’re in the right place. Dr. Buford is a nationally-recognized expert for both primary and revisionary breast surgery who has been in the breast enhancement business for over 20 years. As the author of The Boob Job Bible (which you can download here!) with a total of over 7,000 surgeries under his belt, you’ll know you’re in good hands. Schedule your appointment in Lone Tree today!