As many of you know, a few years back I dramatically changed the way I live my life. I was heading in the wrong direction at an early age. And without making a change, I was moving towards the typical out-of-shape, low energy, stressed out existence that many of us ultimately face. And so, one day, I had enough. I changed.
But to say that I made this change on my own would not be fair. My success comes from the support I received from several of my friends. One of the first areas that I looked at was my physical health. I was eating okay but not great and I was definitely enjoying too much of the good life. My “aha” moment was literally handed to me one day when I had my pictures taken for a new non-invasive body contouring device. When I saw the pictures, I was shocked! Wow! I was completely out of shape and didn’t realize how much I had let myself go. It was this moment that really helped me turn the corner and move forward with a new start.
There are many ways to eat right, exercise right, and live healthy. But for many of us, there is so much information out there that we are literally paralyzed in our tracks trying to figure out how to move forward. I had always worked out and maintained what I thought was an active lifestyle. But something just wasn’t right. I needed help from someone who could set me in the right direction. And I needed help fast. And for that, I looked for a personal trainer.
Are personal trainers right for everyone? Probably not. But for me, it was all about getting the right advice and being accountable. I needed someone who would push me hard and not let me fall back. There were no excuses here and no options for quitting. It was full steam ahead and I’ve never looked back.
My personal trainer is Chris Williamson and I highly recommend him. Through the encouragement I’ve received from both Chris as well as my fellow teammates at The Gym, I have seen a transformation that I never thought possible and I am nowhere near being done.
I have included information on Chris below and encourage you to contact him today. Gyms can be very impersonal and intimidating and so many people simply think about starting. But, they never do. The energy I’ve experienced from his classes and his training sessions are so positive that you can’t help be motivated to do better.
Here’s to an ever better you! Be well.
CHRIS WILLIAMSON: Personal Trainer & Founder/Owner of The Gym
For Personal Trainer Chris Williamson, helping someone transform their body and reach their goals is what his job is all about.
Williamson, who owns The Gym on South Broadway, specializes in transformations and has amazing knowledge of how to really shape a woman’s curves. The ‘Mommy Makeover’ is one of his most popular programs. Honing in on the often-ignored mom-on-the-go group, he offers support and encouragement and, for the last two years, has been the ‘9NEWS Bikini Body After Baby’ trainer. Under his guidance, several of the mothers have dropped more than 60 lbs. He trains 9NEWS participants using weights and cardio and also maps out a meal plan for them, which includes appropriate food choices and necessary supplements. According to Chris, “It’s not easy being a mom and finding time to live a healthy life. But I show these moms it can be done and they show me, it’s worth it. It just takes some patience, planning and support.”
In addition to his work with Moms, Williamson also trains professional IFBB athletes, fitness models, and MMA fighters and many of his IFBB athletes have ranked highly in national shows. Using his unique training regime and meal plan, he is able to personalize each and every routine. The Gym is also home to a grueling boot camp class and competitive kickboxing lessons. Williamson’s goal is to create an environment at The Gym in which everyone feels like family and no one is ever intimidated. It’s not an easy thing to do when many of the members are professional fitness models and fighters. But no matter someone’s physically abilities, everyone is welcome and accepted and encouraged the minute they walk through the door.
“Everyone was so amazing while I was on my weight loss journey,” remarked Julie Gasca, 9NEWS Bikini Body After Baby 2012 participant. “I never felt out of place because of my weight. I’ve achieved so much thanks to my gym family and all of their support.”
Chris is from Southern California and has held a wide variety of positions including working as a national catastrophe manger on projects such as Columbine, Katrina, and the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks. He has also competed in local and national body building shows and is a mixed martial arts fighter who holds a national professional title. Currently, Williamson is working with Challenge Aspen, an organization that provides recreational and cultural experiences for wounded warriors. “It’s inspiring to see these people and have they press on despite the obstacles they face. It’s an honor to work with them.”
Whether you’re a mom looking to lose baby weight, or someone looking to tone up for a professional show, or simply want to drop that last 10 pounds that’s been nagging you for years, Williamson has the right plan and price for you. In his words, “It’s going to take hard work and dedication. There’s no secret trick to doing it. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. But I’ll run alongside you the entire way.”
To contact Chris, please CLICK HERE. Mention that you were referred by BUFORD’s BEST and receive a complimentary evaluation as well as admission to a group fitness class.